Sleep is not a “pillar” of health. It’s the foundation. If you’re not sleeping well, you are not well.
For years, I drank because I thought alcohol helped me sleep.
For a while, I also took Ambien. And then I woke up in the trunk of a car (my own…safely parked in my garage, but still...). Hard pass.
So I downshifted to OTC options. I’d use wine or vodka to wash down at least two of anything that promised to knock me out…benadryl, melatonin, valerian root, whatever.
Despite my best efforts, I was chronically exhausted. Even if I managed to stay asleep for 7-8 hours, I needed coffee and energy drinks to function. The more caffeine, the better. I drank a double espresso as a warm-up lap.
Fast forward to now, I sleep like a tired dog. (I refuse to say I “sleep like a baby” because whoever invented that clearly never had kids.) I take no medications and ingest caffeine as an exception–not a rule.
Did I mention I’m almost 50? Which means I’m in the final stages of perimenopause. And I have no hot flashes or other symptoms BECAUSE…I sleep like a tired dog.
My area of expertise as a master coach is behavior change. So I will teach you what you need to know, and then I will coach you on how you’ll actually apply it.